Sunday, May 25, 2014

Last Day of our Retreat!

We had a wonderful weekend together and finished our weekend with a yummy breakfast by Kelsey and Julia. We then spent a little more time together and topped off our weekend with a review of the camp dance and then a Czech Retreat tradition, Manzanas Tenedores.
It was a successful team building game!! :)

Another Amazing Night!!

This was such an incredible day with jammed pack fun!! We started off the day with some incredible breakfast brought to us by James and Kadri. We then learned our camp dance that is always a favorite part of camp. 
We can't wait to teach it to everyone at English Camp!! After jumping all around and dancing we headed to the pool. Lauren and Denia made us some lunch as we continued to rock out to the camp dance and some camp songs. We then were able to spend some much needed time with our English teaching partners as we prepared our English lessons we will be teaching at camp. Alyssa and Sam made a yummy dinner and Julia and Mary made us another exceptional dessert. We were able to finish off the night with an unforgettable night around the bonfire where we all shared the amazing grace that The Lord has shown us through our lives and how He has worked and how He is continuing to work in our lives. It was a wonderful time for us to bond as a team. We were sad to miss Steve but he was here in spirit. :)

This weekend has made us all that much more excited for this incredible journey we are about to take so soon!! 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Czech Retreat

 As we approach our big trip we take this time to spend the weekend together to prepare, bond and share what The Lord is doing in our lives. Today is te first day of our Czech Retreat!  We started off by going to the grocery store and getting food for the weekend.
Each of the English teaching partners created a meal to share with everyone. Tonight we had pasta and salad from Kari and Matt and Julia and Mary created a yummy dessert for us.  Then we played a traditional Czech Retreat game, extreme spoons!! It was so much fun!! 
This is such a wonderful time for all of us to get together as a team. Thanks to Steve and Janet Fanelli for letting us use your home for our retreat! 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Getting Ready for Czech

Our team has been meeting on Thursday after the Jordan to pray, plan and prepare for our mission trip to the Czech Republic.  We are so excited to be serving in the Czech Republic with the same local church we have partnered with for over 13 years.